• WOD

    Our ongoing general strength and conditioning class that mixes disciplines together to develop an overall fitness for all of our athletes. Some days we prioritize strength, others we might focus on cardio. What happens if we mix both?

    We strive for technical proficiency so tou can increase your movement vocabulary for better longevity and ability in life and other activities!


    These classes focus specifically on technique and strength, or the ability to apply force. We have three tracks to follow whether for general know-how or to be competitive:

    • Olympic Weightlifting: snatch, clean, and jerk

    • Powerlifting: back squats, bench presses, and deadlifts.

    • General Strength: get stronger for our WOD classes.

    Coaches wil watch and provide feedback, but the session is at your own pace. Learn how to do this for a long time, avoiding the common issues and overuse injuries that many others go through.

  • Legends

    We believe that age is an opportunity, not a limitation.

    Our LEGENDS classes are designed to empower older adults to live life to the fullest, improve their strength, bone density, balance, coordination, and cardiovascular health.

    Whether you are just starting your wellness journey or are a seasoned fitness enthusiast we have something special for you. Classes require no previous experience and all movements/sessions will be scaled and tailored to the individual.

  • Mobility

    Learn how to increase your range of strength and how to recover better. Stretch and practice myofascial release techniques.

    Enhance joint health, range-of-motion, and flexibility through static and dynamic stretching, Alexander Method self-myofascial release, and other methods. Allow yourself some dedicated time to truly improve your mobility instead of spending two-minutes post-workout!


    Our ‘just conditioning’ class for when all you want to do is breathe hard, increase lunge capacity, and build a stronger heart!

    Simple and effective exercises combined with proven frameworks build stronger engines and stamina. This is our version of an anyone-can-play bootcamp class (but better)!

  • Bodybuilding

    Work on building more resilient joint structures, muscle mass, and more in classic bodybuilding-style templates.

    Our programming split will be based upon upper body, lower body, pushing, and pulling.

  • CompEx

    Short for “Competitive Exercise” this is for anyone interested in taking up the sport of fitness (Cr*ssFit) for better performance in in-person and online events. This class is also great for those who feel like they need more of a workload per session.

    Learn better movement progressions, performance strategies, format execution, how to stay in control in high-pressure situations, and high-level skills and variations.

  • Gymnastics

    Coming soon!

    Develop better bodyweight control in skills like pullups, dips, hanging, handstanding, still rings, and more! Drills, skills, progressions, and time-under-tension are the name of the game here. Plus plenty of midline stability practice to protect the spine! Learn spinal control and strengthen the muscles surrounding your guts.